Monday, October 19, 2009

Out Takes from brave Claudia's shoot!

Lyz Meloche-Field, one of our generous volunteers from Look Good, Feel Better, applies a very natural face to Claudia for our shoot. Thank you, Lyz!

A quick post-shoot shot for Claudia, as a memory of her day... Zoey, our cute pooch, was a trooper as well.  She was feeling no pain.

During Claudia's battle, she developed a new found interest in gardening.  Never before had she realized that she has been blessed with a green thumb! Sometimes, out of pain, comes new life.

The end of our day together.  Life IS good.

Thank you, Claudia for allowing me to photograph you.



  1. These sneak previews are great, can't wait to see more!

  2. Awesome pictures Jen, where are MY outtakes??? hahahaha ;-)

    Can't wait to see more! Great idea posting a few to give everyone a sneak peak!


  3. lol... I am crazy busy with work! Playing catch up with all my fall weddings... yours will be up soon, I promise! :)


  4. Ok, ok, I'll forgive you since you do, after all, have a business to run! ;-)

    I'm done day 9 of 25 treatments and it's going fine but i am exhausted so I think I may have to defer the next meeting until mid-Nov when I am done treatments. I haven't been able to focus much on this since I spend 5-6 hours a day commuting to PMH and the rest of the time is with the kids and then to bed early to do it all over again the next day! It's like a full time job! ;)

    Can't wait to hear how Donna's shoot goes this week!

    You're a rock star Jen!

