Monday, May 31, 2010

CBC News Segment link

The CBC news piece aired last Friday and it was a great story!
Here is the link to the story.  Skip along towards the end (this is the whole 1/2 hour news program), it's one of the last stories.

See you at the launch!  Two days to go until the big reveal!


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Still waiting for CBC to air the news segment! ARGH!

Our segment kept getting bumped this week so we're patiently waiting for when it will air (ok, ok, so a plane crash WAS bigger news than this calendar story...)

I am learning that this is just the way of the news.  We seem to go in circles with reporters and stations showing interest but not always a commitment until the last minute, there they are to capture the story! ;-)

As I get the word of when this will finally air, I will let you all know!

Hang tight!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Come see us at the Winfall Ecology Festival and Artisan's Festivals in June!

If you'd like to meet some of the "calendar girls" in person or purchase a calendar or daytimer on the spot, please visit us at the following sales venues:

June 12/13th - Winfall Ecology Festival at Fairy Lake
June 19/20th - Artisan's Festival at Fairy Lake

I'll keep you posted on any other venues as we confirm them!

Friday, May 14, 2010

CBC Interview to air Monday, May 24th - Victoria Day

The interview with CBC went very well this morning and Debbie was specifically interested in the angle of so many young women being diagnosed.  In our calendar group alone, it's 5/12 women 40 or younger; 9/12 under 50 years. It's an important story that needs to be told.

The story will air on Monday, May 24th - Victoria Day.  I believe it's to be on the 6:00 news but that hasn't been confirmed yet.

I hope it catches on and we can get some great attention for the launch!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

CBC News Interview Friday, May 14th - News at 6pm

CBC News has requested an interview with me and one of our models, Jenn Forbes to talk about our story and promote the calendar launch.  The interview will be with Debbie Lightle-Quan and the story will appear on the 6:00 news.

Jenn and I have been friends for about 10 years. She was one of four women in my wedding party in 2003.  Jenn was a bridesmaid, along with my best friend Wendy, and the Master of Ceremonies, Tracy.

In 2005, Jenn was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 35.  In 2006, Tracy (living in Ottawa) was diagnosed at age 40.  Then, in 2009, I was diagnosed at age 36.
We all live in different cities, grew up in different areas and have no family history of breast cancer. We were all fit and otherwise healthy.
This statistic has always amazed me, especially when the medical profession states 1 in 9 women will be diagnosed. 
In my world, it is 3 in 4.

Jenn and I will tell this story, as well as the incredible story of the creation of this calendar in our interview on Friday. 

We hope you can turn on the news at 6pm and catch this story.


Friday, May 7, 2010

Calendar Cover Released!

The Faces of Courage Calendar layout is now finalized and the cover is stunning!
All of the remaining month's photos will be kept TOP SECRET until the Official calendar launch party on June 2nd. 
Stay tuned for more details about the launch!
To pre-order your calendar or journal/daytimer, send your contact details and order to: