Sunday, January 17, 2010

DMTI Spatial Inc First PLATINUM sponsor!

Hello Everyone,

I'm pleased to announce our first platinum sponsor - my employer DMTI Spatial Inc!  They are a data provider for location intelligence and they have generously donated $1000 to our printing costs! 

Thank you DMTI!

We are now up to $1,250 in donations towards the printint costs.

Stay tuned for more updates!


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

SNAP! official first sponsor

Hello Everyone!
I hope you all had a wonderful and happy holiday season!
Our entire family was down with a cold/cough all through Christmas and the New Year so we were happy to get back into a routine this week.

I'm pleased to announce that SNAP! is the first official sponsor to the Faces of Courage calendar project!  Thank you SNAP!

Over the next few months, a lot will be happening to get this calendar ready:

1) Jen will complete the photo taking.
2) I will be pursuing more sponsorship to cover the printing costs.
3) Media coverage and attention will be a big focus
4) A launch party will be planned for June timeframe to officially launch the calendar and its sales.

I am really looking for ideas and volunteers to help with some of these tasks so if you know of companies who might be willing to donate a few $$ to the cause, please send me a list!  Or if you are able to help in any other way, please post a comment and I will get in touch with you!

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!

Happy New Year everyone and let's get this project really rolling now that we're into 2010!!
